Written by Joanne Sacco

Is Cybersecurity the Gateway to the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

“Humanity is no longer just the beneficiary of technology; humanity is now inseparable from technology”Samir Kapuria, GM of Symantec
We are currently sitting on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
An unprecedented new chapter in the evolution of technology and our relationship with it.
It represents the first time in history that we will experience the true connectivity of every aspect of our lives – the interconnection of every digital device, vehicle, screen, and heartbeat.
This revolution promises the possibilities of improving the lives of billions… but also shares a potential dark side…

The risk of the revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings the integration of an ever-greater number of devices into the vast data gathering and sharing networks.
And with greater connectivity, comes more malicious files and hackers targeting organisations that are going digital without fully comprehending the threat levels posed by cybercriminals.
In other words, we’re becoming increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity risks.
In fact, a recent report revealed that the Asia Pacific region saw a 45% jump in cybercrime year-on-year.
What’s more, cybercrime is now moving from just affecting computers, to also targeting mobile devices and the Internet of Things. This greatly increases the level of vulnerability of businesses and the potential for device or personal data theft is huge – and growing exponentially.
Together with business impacts from network attacks, the Fourth Industrial Revolution also brings the very real risk of data breaches and privacy concerns. This affects not only the operations of enterprise itself by preventing access to services but also becomes problematic from a trust perspective as companies are responsible for safeguarding their customer’s data.

The cybersecurity gateway

It will take the combined efforts of every business, telecommunications provider, financial institution and the government to develop effective policies and responses to these cybersecurity risks.
And it will be the job of the fast-growing number of cybersecurity experts to put in place these measures that will pave the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Cybersecurity professionals will be the key to preventing criminal access to ensure these vast networks of connected devices remain accessible 24/7 and protect assets, identities, and intellectual property.
As a result, demand is steadily increasing for security engineers, consultants, architects, analysts, penetration testers, auditors, and security software developers. We’re talking about an increase of over 75% in these job roles in the last five years.
Do you have the skills to help empower the Fourth Industrial Revolution? March onwards towards the next great era – Check out our current available Cybersecurity jobs here.
Or maybe you need some cybersecurity soldiers on your team? Get in contact with us here.

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