Written by Joanne Sacco

These 5 Questions Will Reveal if it’s Time to Change Jobs

Believe it or not, there’s a huge difference between cursing your alarm clock when it goes off for work, and actually being ready to change jobs.
While making a move too quickly can set you back in your career, taking a well-timed, strategic step into a new role is exciting and rewarding.
To help you identify whether you’re really ready to move jobs, or if you’ve just got a case of Monday-itis, we’ve put together a list of 5 questions to ask yourself before dusting off your resume.

Do I like and respect my managers and colleagues?

You probably spend around 40 (and let’s face it, sometimes 60) hours at work every week.
So do your colleagues.
With all this time spent together, it’s no wonder that over 75% of people move on from a role because of their boss and colleagues.
Sometimes, as hard as we try to be a positive part of the team, we don’t connect with our colleagues. A good team environment not only makes for a happier work experience but is also proven to make us better at our job. So, if you have conflicting work-styles or a personality clash with your colleagues, it might be time to move on to a team with a style that better suits you.

Do I enjoy coming to work?

It may be a big ask to love getting up every morning and coming to work, but it’s worrying if you don’t experience happiness occasionally.
It could be your latest project or your teammates that make your day a little lighter… But if you find yourself uninspired, unmotivated and unhappy, every single day, it’s time to consider changing roles.

When was the last time I did something new at work?

Do you have goals of becoming the Lead Developer or CIO one day?
No matter your end goal, it’s important to keep learning new skills and progressing professionally to grow your career. If you’re doing the same thing every day without respite, it may be time to start looking for a change.

Concerned you’re in a state of pause?
Take a look at your resume. If you’re like 71% of developers, it probably hasn’t been updated since you started your current role or project. That’s PERFECT.
Take this opportunity to update your resume. If you’re struggling to find things to add, then it’s a sure sign you’re not learning anything new in your current role (plus, you’ll have a perfectly up-to-date resume ready for job hunting!).

Do I have a future here that aligns with my long-term goals?

Do you know what your potential career pathways look like at your current company?
As a developer, there are plenty of exciting career opportunities. Being clear on your career goals is essential. If you feel that there’s no room for you to grow towards your goals within your current company or if those opportunities aren’t made available in a timely manner, you may need to consider taking a promotion somewhere else.
Is there a role available that allows you to take the next step in your company? Read our tips on what NOT to do when negotiating here, before going for that promotion.

Is the grass really greener?

We all know that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Before peering over the fence to see what’s there, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is my main reason for leaving my current company? Will I experience the same issue at other companies?
  • Is there any change my boss or I could make to my current role or company that would make me stay?
  • What are my 2-, 5- and 10-year goals? What type of role / company will take me there?

That’s our list of 5 questions to ask yourself before jumping ship. If you think you might be ready for a new role, please feel free to get in touch with us at Finite Recruitment about our current job vacancies.

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