Do’s and don’ts for jobseekers in 2022

Written by Finite Group

Do’s and don’ts for jobseekers in 2022

With borders steadily opening and skilled migrant workers returning to our shores, the job markets in Australia and New Zealand are set to change once again.

Since 2020, the market has been stacked in favour of candidates. Employers had a limited candidate pool due to travel restrictions, which meant jobseekers could be more selective with their roles while enjoying more benefits and competitive salaries.

But as restrictions ease, some of those benefits will come to an end. Employers will have more candidates to choose from, which means job hunters need to rethink how they go about looking for work in 2022.

Here at Finite, we have a long history of working with a variety of businesses in the APAC region, and we know what they’re going to be looking for as they bring on new talent.

With that in mind, here are a number of Do’s and Don’ts for people looking to change jobs or get promotions this year.


Do update your CV with recent projects

Whenever you’re planning on a career move, the first step should be to update your CV. You’ll need to add your current role to the document, and all of the skills you’ve used and projects you’ve worked on.

Remember: A strong CV is key to landing an interview. Don’t rush this task, and don’t be afraid to go into detail about the achievements you’ve seen since taking on your latest role.

Check out our other tips on creating a winning CV.


Don’t ghost hiring managers and recruiters

Job hunting can be complicated—you may be juggling multiple offers, going to several interviews a week, and fielding calls from recruiters and hiring managers every day.

It can be easy for things to slip through the cracks—but failing to communicate effectively with potential employers or recruiters can jeopardise your job-hunting prospects.

When you’re looking for a job, you’re also building your network. If you routinely ghost people who are trying to help you land your next job, you’ll damage your own reputation. Recruiters will be less likely to contact you in the future, and the employers you want to work with may hear about this behaviour before you have a chance to submit your CV.

It’s a good idea to maintain a spreadsheet (or handwritten list, if that’s your preference) to keep track of all the CVs you have submitted and interviews you have coming up. This can also help you chase up jobs that you want to hear back from.

When you find a job or rule out a potential new role, it’s a good idea to send a short note to any other recruiters or job managers you’ve been communicating with, thanking them for their help and letting them know you are no longer interested. This will keep you in their good books, in case you need their help again in the future.


Do align your public profiles with your CV

You can almost guarantee that the first thing a recruiter or job manager will do after receiving your CV is type your name into Google. From there, they’ll visit your social media pages and / or website to learn more about you.

So before you start submitting your resume, do a bit of digital housekeeping, to ensure your online profiles align with what you’ve put on your updated CV.

Take time to go through your LinkedIn profile and update it with the same information you’re putting on your CV. When you update your LinkedIn, you’ll see an option about whether to notify your contacts of the changes—if you’re doing this while still employed, it’s probably best to keep such changes private.

This is also a good time to make sure that your other social media profiles are either set to private, or updated to show a professional, honest version of yourself. More than one candidate has lost out on a job in the past because of something they forgot was posted on their Facebook or Instagram, so go through everything with a fine-tooth comb.


Don’t bluff your way through interviews

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking to say the least. You’re likely focused on making yourself sound impressive and the right fit, which isn’t a bad strategy when meeting new potential employers.

But don’t fall into the trap of misrepresenting yourself during an interview. Though the urge may be strong to exaggerate your experiences, this will only get you in trouble further down the track if you land the job.

You’ll have much more success in finding the right role for you if you are honest about your job history, skills, and passions. Even if you may not have one of the skills requested for a job you’re interested in, demonstrating your interest and willingness to learn will still be appealing to a potential employer.

If you find yourself confused about something during a job interview, don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. This will again show your genuine interest, and you won’t find yourself stumbling over your words as you might if you pretend you understand things clearly.


Ready to find your next role? Finite is here to help. You can start your job search here, or get in touch with one of our career specialists today – we would love to help!



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