Written by Finite Group

4 Tips For Writing a Top Tech CV in 2023

The demand for skilled information technology professionals remains strong despite ongoing global economic uncertainty. This means that landing a great, well-paying job in the tech sector is still very achievable if you’re a recent graduate or you’re looking to move on from your current position, and this is where an effective, up-to-date CV is vitally important.

A CV, along with a cover letter, is the first point of contact between you and your prospective employer, and competition for the best jobs remains fierce. Employers may look at dozens of resumes before selecting just a few candidates for an interview, so yours needs to be as concise and punchy as possible to stand out.

Here are four tips to give you the best possible chance of landing an interview.

Provide only hard information
Good resumes don’t go on page after page with extraneous information about things such as the charity work you did in high school or some irrelevant award you may have been given years ago. Whoever reads it is undoubtedly busy, maybe in the middle of ploughing through dozens of similar documents and simply doesn’t have the time or interest to go beyond page 2.

Employers want to know if you’re qualified to perform the tasks of the role so make sure you have the most relevant information about your education and work experience up the front.

Customise your CV for the position
Many job applicants, especially younger ones, mistakenly believe they can provide a cover letter for a specific role without ever needing to amend their CV. Cover letters are important, but your CV is also vitally important, especially in the tech sector where employers need to know that you have the specific and up-to-date tech skills for the role. Tweaking your resume accordingly shouldn’t be a time-consuming process and shows the person at the other end that you are suitable for the role.

State your career objectives clearly
Apart from your personal details, work experience and education, your resume should include a paragraph or two near the start about where you want to go career-wise and where you see yourself in 10 or 20 years. That way someone hiring can see you are ambitious and that you would be a good fit for their organisation. Customising your objectives around the role you’re applying for shouldn’t take long and will be looked on favourably by the hirer.

Make it look professional
Last, but certainly not least, make sure your resume looks professional. This means providing factual and easily verifiable information which flows from one point to another and is properly edited so that it doesn’t waffle on unnecessarily.

Professional-looking resumes are also as visually pleasing as possible. If you’re unsure what a great resume looks like you can find plenty of examples online. Finally, make sure you proofread the document, again and again, to ensure there are no spelling mistakes or bad grammatical flaws, or get someone else to check it too. These things may not seem important in the grand scheme of things but might make all the difference to the person hiring.

At Finite Recruitment, we’re passionate about unlocking your potential in the tech job market. Crafting a powerful CV is just the beginning. Whether you’re a recent graduate or seeking advancement, our expertise is your advantage.

Ready to distinguish yourself in the tech sector? Let’s make your CV more than a document, but a career-building tool. We don’t just find jobs, we create careers. Let’s build yours together. Contact your local account manager today.

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